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Agriculture & Fishing

The World Bank estimates that as many as three quarters of the world’s poor live in rural areas where they draw their livelihoods from agriculture and related activities.


Most farmers in Nigeria operate at the subsistence, smallholder level within an extensive agricultural system. Thus,  the country’s food security and agricultural development lies largely in their hands. Particular striking, however, is the fact that women, more than their male counterparts, dominate agricultural activities, making up 60-80% of the labour force. Yet their contributions to agriculture and rural development are seldom acknowledged. We will give rural women farmers a voice and effectively champion their cause. We will improve women’s access to basic economic resources such as land, labour-saving and food-processing machines, credit and agricultural innovation.~

The core priorities of our agriculture interventions are to increase production to meet local demand, improve the quality of food products and to educate farmers about yield management and environmental conservation.

Agriculture Objectives
  • Improve farming techniques and soil conservation methods
  • Provide farmer training 
  • Improve access to roads, electricity and mobile phones to help create small-scale farming entrepreneurs as well as community-based agricultural businesses
  • Provide strategy to increase income generated from agricultural products
  • Provide know-how for coconut, cassava and mango plantations as well as the production of other local produce
  • Promote effective livestock management
  • Create strategy for gradual mechanization and labour-saving agricultural practice

Fishing Objectives

Improving fishing systems through available technology will be at the core of interventions aimed to improve income-generating activities in this area.
  • Provide new boat engines 
  • Supply machinery and establish infrastructure for drying fish and crayfish 
  • Develop better access to roads and markets on mainland
  • Encourage small entrepreneurship
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Sail Harbour Resort Community Ltd. Company incorporated in the British Islands, BVI Company No. 1542729
Sail Harbour Foundation Company Registered in England & Wales No. 7106446, Registered Charity No. 1135218