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Friends in Europe/UK

UK Bank Transfer:

Royal Bank of Scotland
SH Foundation
Acc.No: 0029094
Sort Code: 16-00-42

International Transfers
IBAN GB89 RBOS 1600 4200 2909 47    


Payable to SH Foundation
SH Foundation
100 Ifield Road
London, SW10 9AD

*Note for UK tax payers:
Please print
Gift Aid Declaration Form >
and post it to
SH Foundation, 100 Ifield Road,
London SW10 9AD.

Friends in Africa/Nigeria

Bank Transfer:

Stanbic IBTC Bank
Sail Harbour Foundation
Acc.No: 7200192433


Payable to SH Foundation
SH Foundation
8 Sakajojo Street
VI, Lagos

Thank you for your kind
sponsorships and donations!



£25 - Hygiene bag for a family of four
£50 - Access to clean water for 1 person in Badagry 

£100 - 1 bag of cement to help us build latrines
£150 - Pay a mason to build a hand-dug well
£200 - Two days of hygiene education training in the village for 150 people
£400 - School sanitation block for 50 children
£600 - School sanitation block for 100 children
 £1000  - Fully functioning borehole providing access to clean water for 150-200 people
 £1500 - Solar pump providing easier access to clean water allowing children to have more school and play time


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Copyright © 2009-2011 Sail Harbour Resort Community Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Sail Harbour Resort Community Ltd. Company incorporated in the British Islands, BVI Company No. 1542729
Sail Harbour Foundation Company Registered in England & Wales No. 7106446, Registered Charity No. 1135218